Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Happy Cancerversary :/

Well, here we are. One year later. Today is my one year anniversary of diagnosis. One year ago today, I heard the worst news anyone would ever want to hear. "You have cancer." My life felt turned upside down. I remember being so scared of the unknown. I was entering a new path of my life in which I had to give up a lot of control. I have said before how I don't like surprises and this one was a biggie! For the last year I have had to give up that control and just trust that what the doctors were doing and that all the prayers out there was working. 

Well, I can say with certainty that It Is WORKING! Although I am not completely free of disease, I can say that it won't be long until I am. 

At one point I never thought that could be possible. I was stage 4 just 12 short months ago. This cancer had metastasized to parts of my body in which it was not possible to cut it out. "Traditional" chemo did not work for me. My strain, type, etc. was resistant to many types of chemo drugs. So, I chose a non traditional chemo and decided to starve this cancer by eliminating from my body what fed it....estrogen. With removal of my ovaries and nine months of heavy drugs at home (Tykerb and Femara) and infusion of Herceptin, now every three weeks, I am starving this cancer right out of my body. 

As of my last scan, there was just a little nugget visible in the lymphnode (and I should add that there is still mysterious showings on my spleen). But, this cancer is leaving town. And that lump in my breast, IT IS GONE!!!!

It hasn't been just me going through this, however. Sure, I am the one with the aches of an 80 year old. I am the one with the hot flashes of a menopausal woman, and the unmentionable trips to the bathroom. But it is my family that has gone through this too. And my huge support system of friends and family that have prayed for me, brought my family food, taken my children to practice. And most of all my husband who has been there and cried with me. 

My journey isn't over, but we are getting there. I have to change my mindset now and realize that this is a chronic disease that I have. Much like diabetes or MS. I have to live with it every day and fight to make myself better. I live with the side effects of the meds because that is just how it is. I eat healthier (try to) because this is what is working. 

So keep following me, because I am not done. I have more to do. I will rejoice the day my scans finally say NED (no evidence of disease) But until then, I will keep on going, because there just isn't any other choice. And I will keep singing my song..courteous of Kelly Clarkson..because "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" and this cancer definitely has. 

surgery day

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."  Joshua 1:9

And a few pics of the last year.....
A bunch of crazy people walking in the rain for me! 
my MOPS ladies! A fun reunion!

my niece Emma in her "Aunt Donna Shirt"
Someone I barely know walking in my honor
my Vegas Family!